Wednesday, September 9, 2009

.hedge me in.

Minor prophets class.
Tore me up in the first hour and a half I sat in this little Italian church in the middle of a field in a warehouse.
We talked about Gomer, Hosea's postitute that God called him to marry.
They go through what havoc she wreaks on his life and then chapter 2 goes on to say that he's tired of it and that he's going to hedge her in so that she cannot get out. these hedges I learned, were tall, like real tall and they had thorns and there was no way anything could get in and there was no way she could get out. she would be completely surrounded and given everything she needed.
As we talked, I felt this feeling of betrayal.
I felt as if God had taken away my hedge.
Then we talked about Job, the first chapter where God and Satan have this conversation of sorts about Job and his righteousness. Satan asks God if the hedge God has put around Job may be removed. God allows it.
And we all know what transpired in the life of Job after this occurance.
Why would God allow a hedge to be taken away from one of His children?
But I realized as I thought like a little owl in my seat that the whole time I was exposed to the world and harm and medical problems galore I was protected the whole time because God never left me and He never had forsaken me.
He hasn't and He won't.
This past week has been difficult, coming to a place where I know nothing, I know no one and I do not speak a word of the language to top everything off.
I sat on the train a few days back on my way to Venice and said, "It's just you and me Lord, just You and me."
And so it is. Just me and Him.
This time I'm gonna get to know Him, he knows me, He's known forever, I want to learn of Him.
So, continue praying for me in Montebelluna.
The Lord is working here for sure, I wish I could tell of all the stories here but no one would ever read the whole thing.
And please pray for the Italian people, as they are lost in cathedrals and confession booths.

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