Saturday, July 10, 2010

me myself, i've got nothing to prove

1.first things first, i hate whistling, it automatically makes me angry. and it probably comes from bitter jealousy because i could never do it.
2. i had blonde hair until i was 5.
3. i made a new years resolution to do nothing with my hair until 2011.
4. being alone is the scariest thing. i've found.
5. i take to heart every fortune cookie that i open.
6. my dog was my best friend, my best friend died last year.
7. my 7 weeks in italy still seem like a dream, why did i have to wake up?
8. i wear one pair of contacts for 3 months instead of 2 weeks like i should.
9. my name is really spelled jordAn.
10. in my mind i think my perfect life consists of me playing my piano in an apartment 25 stories high in a city while the people walk below and the trees sway below.
11. i love trees...and if i were not a christian, i would probably be a tree hugger.
12. i want a whole farm of children someday, or maybe i'll just work in an orphanage.
13. realistically, i want to be a doctor. everyone tells me i cannot do it.but i out to prove everyone wrong. it is not for me, it is for Jesus.
14. i wrote my bucket list when i was 15.
15. i love writing and i love paper. paper listens better than people.
16. i've always wanted to be like super toned and tanned but it's never happened.
17. i have only broken my toe, broke it running into the washing machine.
18. if it weren't for Jesus finding me in my lowest state, i would have killed myself a long time ago.
19. blowing bubbles with gum or just with soapy water is one of my favorite things:)
20. the only thing i can claim that "i am good at" is showing goats, yes, at fairs, and i am proud of that!
21. i have never dyed my hair and i do not plan on doing so until i am gray.
22. i hate cookbooks, because i don't like a book other than the bible telling me what to do- thus most of my food turns out gross.
23. i have started reading Dr. Dolittle 5 different times and have never finished it. it is the only book i have started and never finished.
24. calvary chapel bible college is a modern day heaven to me.
25. i haven't been back to the place i grew up for 4 years now and i makes me sad.
26. my monkey lamp is the most amazing thing i own.
27. when i was younger i used to run away, my intention was of going to my best friends house 5 miles away, but i never made it further than the stop sign.
28. i have no clue why i am still on earth, i am waiting to see what the Lord wants fro me. He could have taken me so many times.
29. i really don't care what people think of me. i have heard from many people lately that this is a bad thing.
30. i've lived in 4 houses in 3 places in 2 states.
31. 31. if people really took the time to get to know my sister and i, they'd realize we look nothing alike, it's an optical illusion.
32. i am obsessed with organizing things at stores- take me to target and i will stock thing for hours and be perfectly content. it's my favorite:)
33. i speak to babies in asian accents and they fall in love with me, it's quite adorable.
34. i know love.
35. i know i will be better. these bones may be decaying and these lungs may have tumors in them but the Lord has promised a better home for me, so whether i inherit the promise of a better life here on earth or in heaven- it is coming and this gives me hope to live another day.



  1. aw Jordy...this is beautiful! YOU are beautiful!! I loved reading this~it introduces me to more of the 'you' that I probably would have gotten to know if I would have had the opportunity to hear your testimony (by the way~that is still a date, k?). I love you so so much! Praying for all of your dreams to come true~right, UP to the piano playing 25 stories high! ;)

  2. Haha! I love number 20! Those were the days, eh? Also, you are very right about you and Erica looking nothing alike... you never have.
    Also, I miss you and love you. As always. I guess this earth is full of people who are missed and loved. And that is a beautiful thing.
